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An Essay On Einstein and Life

Many folks argue that Einstein is one of the smartest men in history. But what is to be made of history’s best? For every Einstein, how many extremely intelligent and influential men and women have been forgotten by the pages of history? Who has written this narrative we become familiarized with during the early stages of our lives? Those are just a few of the questions I set out to examine when writing this brief essay on einstein and life in general. 

Einstein Quote #1

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” 

– Albert Einstein

Choosing Our Guides

When I begin to feel smart, I know this is a bad sign. When I think about how much I know, I invariably realize how much is still a mystery to me. Knowledge is accrued over many years, but some of us have a built-in sense of things. We call this intuition. We talk about the strength of women’s intuition, but what of man’s?

A man like Einstein helps us believe in the power of the human mind. We need guides throughout our lives, but they are not always those that we can see right in front of us. Our parents are our first guides, and we must always love and appreciate them for their early guidance. But, as we learn, and grow, and seek to thrive, our parents cannot always be counted on to remain those strong guides that we once relied upon so heavily.

Over time, we must find new guides. They will appear as friends, lovers, teachers, mentors, and random strangers on the street. If we are striving to remain present, every new chance to interact with people and place provides opportunities for learning and chances for expansion. It can be easy to live inside our own limited mental space. We tell ourselves we can’t because of “this” or we shouldn’t because of “that.”

But we can. We can do whatever it is that we want to do, so long as it does not hinder another’s ability to do the same. And whatever you choose to do doesn’t have to be something that will cement a place alongside the Einsteins of the history books. 

There are plenty of people behind the scenes that have had astounding influence creating and maintaining positivity in this world. They contribute to a better world with their actions every day. But they do so because they set the intention to do so.

Setting Positive Intentions

I can’t begin to speculate on the intentions set by a man like Einstein. But I can realize the power of intention in my own life. For a long time, I’ve been setting the intention of leaving a lasting, positive impact on the world with my life. I wonder now if setting the intention of simply making the world a better place would be more appropriate and more desirable.

I’ve too long held an attachment to being a “recognized” man. In truth, I don’t believe I’d hold up against the pressures of popularity. I don’t feel as though I’d do well in the spotlight. I have too many vices; too many inadequacies that would be easily nitpicked. I’m no Einstein. But I do know enough to recognize intelligence when I read it, hear it, or see it, whether that’s in person, in books, in podcasts, or elsewhere.

Intelligence is a quality I value highly. It’s also a quality that, all too often, seems lacking. We have all the tools we could ever need to create an educated global citizenry and we’re continuing to invent new tools that could serve this purpose every day.

What we seem to lack is a commitment to this purpose. We lack a cohesive desire to sponsor equal opportunities for higher education. Why?

Chasing Power

Power is intoxicating. Power corrupts. Power turns those that were once humans into zombies. Don’t be fooled, people. The ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ is not some hypothetical scenario dreamed up in a Hollywood Studio. It is real. And it is already happening. 

Take a look around. Do you see the people walking by with blank stares, headphones in ears, or eyes locked firmly on a little screen? The Zombies are here.

But they have not been the result of some crazy disease strain. They are a result of the way in which so many of us live our daily lives. We spend more time dreaming of power and profit than of global peace and prosperity. 

Believe We Can Make Changes

I’m guilty. I’ve grown up in this system. I’m lazy about pursuing alternatives to that dastardly storyline. I’m thinking about potential answers to so many systemic questions that I fail to pay attention to the little things that help me live happily and healthily. If I don’t write about these issues, we may never find feasible solutions. But I shouldn’t kid myself as to my importance.

Or maybe I should. Maybe that’s one of the chief issues. Maybe enough of us don’t believe we can truly make a change that it actually begins to become true. Maybe I need to believe I can create a legacy as lasting and powerful as that of a man like Einstein, simply if I wish to create any sort of lasting legacy at all.

Our beliefs can be limiting, but they can also be extremely empowering if we so choose to let them be.

What is that they say about shooting for the moon and landing amongst the stars?

Einstein Quote #2

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” 

– Albert Einstein


  1. Hey thank you for the awesome post! I value Eistein a lot because of his extreme intelligence. Intelligence is something I value over everything else. Perhaps, though, the one part of your post that struck me the hardest was the part about power. It is a dangerous thing, power. It’s something I craved for a long time and I can say it is intoxicating for sure! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Indeed it is Jessie! I find myself struggling with that currently, which is why going back to re-read and edit this post was such a helpful experience. In the process of striving to level up my business and self-employed income streams, I began to find myself really focused on money and the “power gain” that I had attached would come with that (i.e. how much better I’d feel once I made more money). Leave it to a past version of myself to remind the current version where my priorities should lie! 

  2. Albert Einstein was definitely an amazing man. He was proof that the so-called “education system” that many people prize so highly is not what it’s cracked up to be. Genius isn’t made in the classroom, although it can be watered there if the teaching is right. Back to Einstein. I agree that when I start to feel smart, it is a bad sign. Too much remains to be learned. I used to want to be renowned for intellect or skill, but even if I were famous, it would be as a joke. Einstein was humble and helpful. It’s nice to read an article about him that doesn’t just dwell on his scientific achievements. Thank you for sharing your personal experience.

    1. You are absolutely welcome Neko Cat! I like that you say “Genius isn’t made in the classroom.” That comment makes me think of a book I just started called ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. Have you heard of it?! 

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